Thursday, April 19, 2007

End of the road

No, I'm not referring to one of the popular tunes of Boyz II Men. This goes to Sanjaya Malakar, one of American Idol's 12 finalists. Finally, he didn't get enough votes to make it to the Top 6. I'm not against him personally. I see him as a lost kid, trying to find his way (or himself) while trying to stay alive in the competition. He has proven that he has talent, BUT finds it difficult to shine vocally and performance-wise. First and foremost, American Idol (AI) is a singing talent show. To be specific, one must be a standout singer and performer who has the X factor. For long time viewers of the show, we know that it is expected from contestants to excel week after week after week. The performances of Sanjaya since he made it to the Top 12 weren't noteworthy except for last week. He has been given sufficient time to prove that he is worthy to be the next Idol. Now the verdict's out and the show's (voting) viewers feel that he has failed them.

Arrivederci Sanjaya!

What happened in VA Tech was terrible. I hope such violence will never occur again, any violence for that matter.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Adios Sanjaya! FINALLY! Go Melinda! Go Blake! hehehe